Tech & Design | CODE

HTML/CSS/SCRUM – I’ve worked in .Net, PHP and Rails environments, as well as mobile optimized responsive for both websites and emails.

I started coding by hand in the mid-nineties and never looked back. Some of the programs I’ve used included Notepad, BBEdit, DreamWeaver (hand code only), and now Coda. I do some Javascript/AJAX implementation but I would characterize myself as someone who focuses on layout and design details rather than interaction – having always worked with great programmers. I’ve worked with several engineering teams and am a certified SCRUM master, a process I have enjoyed being a part of and learning.

I’m also a very competent tech producer and am very good at working with designers, engineers, product and content managers to bring together all the elements to create a quality product. My understanding of the technical requirements and how sites/apps/features get built has been a huge benefit for me whether I’m working in the technical or creative aspect of a project.

There are so many options today on how to start building a website for your business. Having been around when you had to slice your photoshop files by hand with guides and a 56k modem was standard, I’m quite impressed by the level of design templates and CMS platforms currently out there. I’ve set up and customized several WordPress sites for a variety of small business, and am even working on a larger scale custom integration with WP at the moment. Yes there are pros and cons, and to get something that looks great you still need someone who can code and design (that’s me!). I’ve also worked with Tumblr, Drupal and Magento (e-commerce).