Tech & Design | EMAIL

Full spectrum email management: design, coding, content, list management, analytics.

As an email specialist I have designed and coded several templates and email marketing campaigns. I’ve also designed and coded a full suite of transactional emails. Email is a different animal from making a webpage – it’s key to understand the differences in order to successfully execute the product.

While social media is a valuable component for marketing your brand – your still at the mercy of timing and peoples willingness to engage, which gets more and more challenging. Your email list is a direct line of communication to everyone who is registered and hopefully active with your site/app. Building a repertoire with your users/audience through email can be a huge win.

Creating great content, engaging subject lines, managing high-volume lists (1M+), working with ESPs (email service providers), testing for all relevant email clients, A/B testing, analyzing results and measuring engagement, creating reports, building strategies, implementing drip campaigns, working with agencies for integrating marketing campaigns (ad banners)… just email alone can be a serious undertaking.

I write an email design blog called EmailChic (currently on hiatus) where I share things I have learned and have tested many techniques developed by others in the hopes to find ways to further enhance the look and experience of email. Campaign Monitor and Litmus are my go-to resources for new developments and testing.