Tech & Design | About

I’m a San Francisco native, who relocated to Los Angeles in 2004. I got my start prior to the first dot-com “boom” and have plenty of post first “boom” tales to tell. I’ve even been around for a few mythical projects that now exist only as entries on Wikipedia – such as BookFace – an online secure book reader WAY beyond it’s time, as well as WebVan, one of the first attempts at online grocery ordering and delivery.

Currently I’m a freelance UI/UX Designer and Product Manager. I have a very strong front end technical background and code HTML/CSS on the reg – and am very well versed in implementing Bootstrap. I also am very adept at helping start, design and implement sites using the WordPress platform. I’ve worked my way around a lot of programming languages including .Net, PHP and Ruby. As a designer my Photoshop and Illustrator skills are high, and I’m obsessed with learning new techniques all the time. My favorite sites to spend time on are and Seriously I’m happy as a clam learning how to digitize type or develop character illustration. If I found a leprechaun and he/she granted me 3 wishes one of them would be to have more hours in the day so I have time to do all the cool stuff I want to do.

Having such a range of experience, knowledge and skill has led me to a very confident place in terms of understanding from beginning to end how great products get built – and how good business runs. I thrive on solving big picture problems, but I also enjoy focusing on the details. While wire framing and designing a product UX flow, not only do I think about what it will look like, I’m thinking about what the engineer needs and what marketing or customer support requirements might go with the launch.